DKE-Data GmbH & Co. KG
Albert-Einstein-Str. 42 49076 Osnabrück
Telephone: +49 (0) 541 201 970 01
Represented by the personally liable partner (general partner):
DKE-Data Verwaltungs GmbH
Registration court (commercial register): Amtsgericht Osnabrück
Company registration number: HRB 210846
This is represented by the managing director:
Dr. Johannes Sonnen
Registration court (commercial register): Amtsgericht Osnabrück
Company registration number: HRA 205289
Ust.-Id.-Nr. DE 308201892
Responsibility for content:
Dr. Johannes Sonnen
Address see above
Online dispute resolution:
In conflict situations, consumers are offered the opportunity of conducting an online
dispute resolution in a fast and cost-effective manner via the platform of the European
Commission in accordance with Art. 14 paragraph 1 of the (EU) Directive No. 524/2013.
The online dispute resolution platform is available under the following link: